Tuesday, September 30, 2014

30 Sep 2014

Dear People, 

This was an interesting week. I had an anti come up to us and start yelling at us. We pretended to listen and then we told him to have a nice day then we rode away. Then on Saturday I had a baptism. Then on Saturday night I woke up and didn't feel so good so I went to the bathroom and threw up like six times.  On Sunday I went to church and helped confirm that newly baptized member. Then I went to the sixth ward sacrament meeting. I think God is testing me because there's this girl that always smiles at me. It really bothers me sometimes, but its nothing I can't handle. Then yesterday I gave my first sealing for a blessing. Iwas so nervous. 

I was kind of sad when I read that Bonny got the Saab. Oh well I guess I'll just have to buy one when I get home, but I won't dwell on that because I still got a little over a year left. When people ask me how long I've been out I tell them a little under a year. The missionaries here are supposed to say a little under a year or a little over a year. I'm now starting to realize how short these two years will be. When I had my interview with President Moffat he committed me to stop being home sick. So I guess I have no choice now.
Love you all.

Elder Pleshek

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