Tuesday, September 30, 2014

30 Sep 2014

Dear People, 

This was an interesting week. I had an anti come up to us and start yelling at us. We pretended to listen and then we told him to have a nice day then we rode away. Then on Saturday I had a baptism. Then on Saturday night I woke up and didn't feel so good so I went to the bathroom and threw up like six times.  On Sunday I went to church and helped confirm that newly baptized member. Then I went to the sixth ward sacrament meeting. I think God is testing me because there's this girl that always smiles at me. It really bothers me sometimes, but its nothing I can't handle. Then yesterday I gave my first sealing for a blessing. Iwas so nervous. 

I was kind of sad when I read that Bonny got the Saab. Oh well I guess I'll just have to buy one when I get home, but I won't dwell on that because I still got a little over a year left. When people ask me how long I've been out I tell them a little under a year. The missionaries here are supposed to say a little under a year or a little over a year. I'm now starting to realize how short these two years will be. When I had my interview with President Moffat he committed me to stop being home sick. So I guess I have no choice now.
Love you all.

Elder Pleshek

Thursday, September 25, 2014

23 Sep 2014

Dear People,

This transfer has been getting better after a rocky start. Me and Elder Mason have four people on date for baptism. One of them is on Saturday. We also have one scheduled for my birthday. I hope we can keep them all on date. I don't like this new area as much as Midvale. Its a lot more confusing. There are so many dead end roads it just confuses me. Me and Elder Mason are getting along fine, but I find him kind of weird which isn't that big of a deal. I was talking to my zone leader and he told me that your second companion is usually the hardest. Then he gave me his picture album of his family and took mine and said, "Lets trade for a week." I think its some kind of trick to not make me homesick. So, I guess I'll give it a shot. On Sunday I went to our stake center to watch the Ogden temple dedication. I loved it! It was so cool and I loved listening to Elder Holland talk. Its a little weird to not see him so firey. I'm starting to feel better about this transfer, but for some reason I want it to just fly by. I also don't know why, but President Moffat keeps putting me with district leaders. maybe he's trying to tell me some thing?
Elder Pleshek

P.S. Mom you don't have to send me a picture album I found on. but could you send me some more stamps thx.

And yes I got the Roe's package and I ate all of it in 2 days mmmmmm.

Can you send me Evan's email address?

Monday, September 15, 2014

15 Sep 2014

Dear people

I wish I could be there for Papa's funeral, but I'm needed here. I was really sad when President Moffat called me. I almost cried, but I resisted. However, I was only sad for a moment because I know he's riding through heaven on his Goldwing with Nana on the back. It made me overjoyed and that made me want to cry more, but I'm to macho to cry so I resisted the urge to cry.

So by the way, I got transferred to the Taylorsville Valley Park Stake. My new companion's name is Elder Mason. I've never met him before and I don't know what he looks like. I got transferred because Elder Lefler got called to be a trainer again so I'm going to have a little brother. So I leave tomorrow. I'm kind of nervous, but I've already done this once so I think I can handle it. My friend Elder Forrester who came out of the MTC with me just got called to be a District Leader after six weeks in the field so that's like a first ever in any mission in the world. I also street contacted some by myself yesterday except for getting the guys address. Elder Lefler did that. Well thats all I got.

Miss you guys

Elder Pleshek

Sunday, September 14, 2014

Handwritten letter of Sep 13, 2014

Dear Mom,
I love you.  Tell Dad I appreciate all of the letters and tell him and Tom and Papa and Sammi and Jeff and Evie and Erin and Clare and Clint and Cami and Adam and Brock and the one that's in Clare's belly I love them.

Please give these two letters to the Roe girls and please send me the addresses of Sydney and the Roes.  Could you go on my Facebook and go to my "This is the Law" page and look on the history for the addresses of Spencer, Will and Nicholas?  Thanks.

For my birthday could you include Reeces in my box with other kind of candy.  I'm on a tight budget and I can't afford that stuff.  Thank you and I love you. Bye.

Elder Pleshek

My Facebook password in *%#)^$(^*# if you didn't remember.

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

9 Sep 2014

Dear people,

Mom make sure to email me next Monday because my p day is on Monday next week. We are going to Ensign peak next Tuesday as a mission so I get to see some of my MTC buddies. Also tomorrow I get to watch the Ogden temple dedication at the mission office, so I still need to get a white handkerchief today. The rack on my bike broke. I guess it couldn't handle me hopping curbs so I need to get a new one. It won't be as nice, but it will do the job. 
The most frustrating part is when your investigates don't come to church. We've got a 10 year old kid named Angel on date for October 18th, so if that actually happens I should have a great birthday. President Moffat is really in need of trainers, so after next transfer president said he is going to make some of the elders in my group trainers. I don't think I'll be ready for that, but who knows how I will turn out after these next 6 weeks. So anyways I don't know if I'll get an ipad because President Moffat doesn't like them. He said he's not getting them until the  church makes him. So if I am getting one I will find out in November. So Mom, make sure i have $400 in my account when November rolls around, thanks.


Elder Pleshek

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

2 Sep 2014

Dear People, 

Hey mom, so you get to keep the Hemi and the Saab? I'm sorry to hear about Papa. It's good to hear that Bonny is finally getting a divorce. 

So... my week could have been alot better if people could just come to church. We put two people on date this week, but none of them came to church so they all fell off date. This week I also went on an exchange. Elder McNair came to my area and that is when we put those people on date.

On Sunday we were on our way to set up a teaching appointment and some guy flagged us down. So we stopped and talked to him. This was my first face off with an Anti or "basher".  It was so stupid. All he talked about was Porter Rockwell. So that was interesting. 

I almost got hit by a car yesterday. I was crossing the crosswalk and someone was trying to make a right hand turn into me. Well in other news I gave the first lesson to this F LDS girl. Then I got the joy of calling President Moffat to see what to do in this situation. 

Well anyways, love you guys.

Elder Pleshek